Posts Tagged With: picking blueberries


We are parked in Kensington, New Hampshire, our most northern point in the motor home for this trip. We will stay for the next two nights. It was hot and humid yesterday and predicted to be worse today. Hmmm! I’m beginning to be a weather wimp myself.
Our reason for being here is Jim lived in nearby Kingston. His son was born in Exeter when he lived here and its all part of memory lane.
Kingston, Kensington and Exeter are small towns, within a fifteen mile radius, all with colonial heritage; probably obvious from the British names. Exeter was an important business and political center, and once served as the State Capitol.

Exeter’s once grassy “square” is now partly covered with concrete roadway, but still retains the essence of its former configuration. The Town Hall on the left,  an inn and The Town House, (where the legislature met) across from it and a bandstand where all the political speeches were made,  in the middle. The Town House was next to the inn, but the building is gone now commemorated by a Town Common. Pretty neat.

The roadway passes around the bandstand, and one has to admire the folks who saw fit to preserve it after it lost it’s usefulness.

A small arrangement of nice shops, a fire museum (open only two Saturdays a month, first and third), a beautiful “common”, and, excepting  the heat, a nice place to visit. This antique place had an accumulation of unbelievable variety. I could have spent an hour poking around.

I left Jim in the motor home to cool off in the air conditioning while I picked blueberries, living a part of my past.

Blueberries grew wild in the woods of Michigan and I’ve always enjoyed them. I have three blueberry plants in my orchard in Murphys, though they don’t get as loaded as these at Monahan Farm. Pick your own for $275 a pound. I half filled a bucket with almost four pounds in 15 minutes. The blueberries grow in clusters like grapes and practically fall in your bucket. It took longer for me to walk into the field than to pick. Delicious is an understatement. For about 25 more pictures, click the link below:

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