Posts Tagged With: collage


I took one art class in 1964 at Ohlone Jr. College and I rated a D- grade on my project. I submitted a collage. But I loved collage, and later in life, I did a whole wall collage in one house, even more in another house, and later still a public bathroom, four half walls. They are still there. When people would ask me why I was collaging the bottoms of drawers and the insides of cupboard walls with magazine photos, I’d tell them: “We are of our time and we work with what we see.” For me, it was my love of pictures in magazines. The beauty there in print and graphics, ads.
I don’t know who David Hall is but he had a similar philosophy: “For a culture to survive through its high art embodiments, we study beauty less from paintings at the Metropolitan than from daily encounters with a well designed beer bottle.” There is some room for thought there. Was he in his cups? But, no, a beer bottle really is a smooth feeling, well designed thing with a designer label.
One thing for sure, we are of our time and I thought of that as I cruised through some pictures taken this year of 2010:

Pets are dressed up like children. And loved just as much.

We bring them to the office with us.

Hair styling can be high art.

We communicate in strange ways.

Graffiti is art to some. And I’ve seen some that isn’t bad as art. (Placement is another issue, however.)

This modern stroller is a home.

And, of course, beer making is an art. The well turned glass is an art. Hey, David, lets meet?

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